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- NEWEST PAGE! Sensational, dynamic-HTML gallery a must see! -
The Beauty of Nature's Trees. Click here (version 4 browsers only)
Careful, don't disturb Petabyte's (the parrot) nap.
But do try this X-FILES midi music - Click Here
or try this musical (150K wav. file) Surprise - Click Here.
WOW! Views of earth from space (for Dynamic version 4 browsers only) Click here (inaccessible to 3.0 and earlier browsers)
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Also visit my newest creations:
WOW! Views of earth from space - for Dynamic (version 4) browsers only! Click here
the Famous Ferrington Guitars
Like nuthin' you've seen before!
And don't miss the new, spectacular Space Tour
Take a tour of my new Java Art Gallery
You'll get a pictoral tour of the Grand Canyon
Note: Newest Java browsers only.
Sorry, IE-3 fans, only Explorer 4.0 supports the special, cool Java effects.